Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Dear NSA4/STOLT3 Students:

Below is the list of the laboratory exercises you need to furnish for the entire preliminary period. The list may be actual laboratory exercises or may be given as homework.


EXER1.XLS. Assume that a person borrows one (1) cent on January 1, 2014 and promises to pay the amount at the end of the year. However, the amount doubles every day. How much would the borrower pay at the end of the year? Show the following columns: days (1-365) and the amount in the next column.

EXER2.XLS. Reflect the following columns in order: #, Name of Student, Q1, Q2, Q3, TQ, Exam, Exam_Equiv, Grade, Grd_Equiv. The variables Q1 to Q3 are numeric values from 40 to 100. The variable EXAM is a raw score from 0 to 80. Take note of the following computation:

   TQ = (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) / 3 
   Exam_Equiv = Exam / 80 * 60 + 40
   Grade = 60% of the Exam Equiv + 40% of the TQ
   Grd_Equiv = (110 - Grade) / 10 

Fix all computations to two (2) decimal places except for GRD_EQUIV to one (1) decimal place.

Reflect at least 10 students (in alphabetical order using FAMILY NAME, FIRSTNAME MIDDLE INITIAL format).

Place a heading (e.g., DMMA COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES and its address and another heading, "NSA/STOLT GRADES - Preliminary Period) by merging the rows/columns. You may not use the above-mentioned variables names; instead, you can use any label that bears the actual value.

EXER3.XLS. Redo EXER2.XLS by reflecting alls columns (except the GRD_EQUIV variable) in four (4) worksheets. Label each sheet with PRELIM, MIDTERM, PREFINAL, and FINALS. Add another two (2) columns at the last part in FINALS SHEET the FINAL_GRD and EQUIV variables. Note the following computation:

   FINAL_GRD = 20% of Prelim + 20% of Midterm + 20% Pre-Final + 40% Final
   EQUIV = (110 - FINAL_GRD) / 10

Highlight the EQUIV column as red text for those with failing grades.

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